Cybercrime has reached alarming proportions in Thailand


Thailand’s Central Bureau of Investigation warns of five types of fraudulent schemes and develops measures to combat cyber threats.

Thailand’s Central Bureau of Investigation is warning citizens about rapidly evolving cyber threats. The Bangkok Post reports that even one click on the wrong link can lead to fraudsters draining bank accounts.

Lieutenant General Jirabhop Bhuridej, commissioner of the Central Bureau of Investigation, said fraudsters use social media, online postings, and malicious apps to swindle money from people.

According to Jirabhop, there are five types of fraudulent schemes known:

The first type is used to siphon money out of the victim’s account through fake websites that mimic the official websites of government agencies. Victims are tricked into transferring money on the bogus site, for example, to pay utility bills or to install a financial transaction app.

The second type of fraud is tricking people into revealing personal details and financial information, including login accounts on websites and fake websites that look like the real thing.

The third type of fraud is investment schemes, where victims are tricked into participating in financial schemes that promise large profits within a short period. Scammers use the names of reputable companies and photos of famous people to increase the credibility of the fraudulent scheme.

The fourth type of fraud is the distribution of links that redirect people to natural and fake gambling sites. People who gamble on such sites will not only lose money but will also be accused of participating in illegal gambling activities,’ explains Lieutenant General Jirabhop.

Lastly, the fifth type of fraud is credit schemes, in which victims of fraud are forced to pay for loan applications that turn out to be fake.

Major General Chatpunthakarn Klaiklueng, commander of the 1st Cybercrime Investigation Division, said the number of online crimes in Thailand is almost the same as drug cases.

From March 2022 to April this year, the country recorded 504616 cybercrime cases, causing a loss of 68 billion baht. Of the money stolen, only 5.9 billion baht has been recovered.

The commander of the First Cybercrime Investigation Unit said that in November last year, the government set up a unified service to block bank accounts and freeze financial transactions suspected of illegal schemes.

The major general added that pensioners and older adults are usually the victims of online fraudsters. Due to the scammers ‘ actions, some have reportedly lost a few million baht each and large sums of money – up to 100 million baht.

In this regard, Major General Chatpunthakarn said the public needs to be given a ‘cyber vaccine’, so the Cybercrime Investigation Division recently launched a campaign to inform people about the risks on the internet.

The campaign aims to recruit volunteers to help spread cyber security awareness and prevent people from falling victim to online fraudsters.

During the seven-month project, which ended in April, 30 university students with ‘cyber intelligence’ were selected as messengers spreading knowledge and ways to avoid cyber risks to others, starting with family and friends.

While authorities constantly promote the fight against online criminals through the media, society still needs to cooperate more.

‘The best way to prevent cyber crimes is to utilise young volunteers who are more exposed to information from the internet,’ said Major General Chatpunthakarn.

According to Chatpunthakarn, the cyber vaccination campaign has been reasonably successful and has shown that tackling cybercrime starts with raising awareness and understanding in communities or organisations.

‘We plan to take this campaign to other universities and reach out to all age groups,’ the major general added.

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