illegal betting

Thai police launch major crackdown on illegal betting associated with UEFA 2024

As part of a significant crackdown on illegal gambling related to the 2024 event, Thai authorities have apprehended 126 individuals. UEFA European Football Championships. Over the weekend, an operation was carried out to identify individuals who were involved in illegal gambling during matches. Six organizers, 117 gamblers and three ticket agents were arrested. Most of…

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Starlink terminals

Fighting cybercrime: Thailand seizes Starlink terminals

After dismantling unauthorised cell towers and cross-border cables, Thai authorities have begun seizing Starlink terminals to fight cybercrime. In a comprehensive effort to combat cybercrime, the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (MoDES) and other relevant agencies have collaborated to seize 58 sets of Starlink satellite communication equipment that were intended for fraudulent use. ICES…

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public transport systems

Bangkok improves public transport systems

The Bangkok Metropolitan Administration is launching electric water taxis along canals and its own app for hailing motorbike taxis anywhere in the capital city. Bangkok’s Krung Thep Thanakom (KT), the commercial arm of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, has announced the imminent launch of an on-demand electric water taxi service developed by the administration. The on-demand…

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